1. How can AgeChoice help me?
AgeChoice is the smartest way to search for senior care. Here at AgeChoice we can offer assistance to seniors and their families with finding the best rated senior care that meets their requirements and budgets. Our experienced personnel will take your personal circumstances in consideration and match you with the senior care that is the right fit for you in the right location and at the right price.
2. Does your service come at a premium price?
No! Absolutely, not! We will not charge you a penny to find the best care home for you or your family member. Our services come free of charge to our clients as we may, but do not always, receive a referral placement fee from the care communities we work with.
3. Why do I need to take the quiz?
The AgeChoice quiz is specifically designed to ask for all the relevant information that we need from you in order to find and recommend to you the best care options available within your price range and location. Our senior care experts will use the results to match you with the care communities most suitable to you so we can bring forward to you those that fit best.
4. What happens after I take the quiz?
After the quiz, you will be prompted to schedule a meeting or have AgeChoice call you as soon as possible. In either case, you will leave us your name and contact information. In case you want to schedule a meeting, simply select the time and add it to your calendar. You will receive the video conferencing call details in an email after you schedule the call. An AgeChoice senior specialist will talk to you about your quiz results and preferences during a video call. If you select to receive a call as soon as possible, we will call you to go through this same process over the phone.
5. What can I expect from your service?
Once AgeChoice talks with you and review your quiz results, we will help suggest the absolute best communities that meet your needs. You will be able to talk with the personnel, research, and tour the suggested communities. AgeChoice will help you every step of the way. At the end of this process, you would have selected the community best suited for you or your loved one.
6. Why do I need to speak to one of AgeChoice senior care experts?
It’s a good question that comes up frequently as many other providers offer you a list of options immediately after you perform a search. The way we see it, our senior care experts offer invaluable service. First of all they will help you narrow down your requirements and prioritise them and, second of all, will save you a lot of time by helping you make the right choice from the, often enormous, list of options. This way, you are not overwhelmed by the process.
7. What are the senior care options that I might have to consider?
It’s not just about finding the right location, you also need to keep in mind what your requirements are in order to select the best option for you. Do you want assisted or independent living, nursing or skilled nursing care, memory care or any other type of specialized care? Our care experts will use the results of your quiz as well as the personal interview to gather all required information and with their help you can narrow down your specific requirements and prioritize them to help you select the best care community
8. How can you assure me that the recommended care communities from your network are trustworthy?
We only suggest the top care options based on your needs. Through our process, we screen out everyone else. All of the care Communities we suggest are duly licensed by the local authorities and we always follow up with the communities we refer to as well as conduct our own audits of them to ensure they are indeed a top community. You can rest assured that AgeChoice will only recommend fully vetted and reliable partners.
9. If you do all the necessary checks, why do I also need to visit the community in person?
Despite the rigorous vetting process that we have in place for our care community partners, we always recommend that you visit your shortlisted communities of choice yourself before making a decision. This will allow you to experience the atmosphere and surroundings firsthand, meet the residents and staff, enjoy the activities, have a meal and generally feel the spirit of the place. Nothing better than an in-person visit to form the best impression of a place. Despite our recommendations, it’s ultimately down to your personal preferences and choice. If you are not able to visit, we suggest taking a virtual tour.