Learn about types of assited living facilities, memory care faciities, skilled nursing facilities, and home healthcare agencies AgeChoice is working with
Assisted Living

Find the best assisted living facilities and assisted living care right here on AgeChoice. In assisted living facilities found on AgeChoice, activities and services often range fro...

Independent Living on AgeChoice

AgeChoice finds that Independent Living communities are ideal for those seniors that live without requiring much assistance yet still enjoy help with basic things like cooking, tra...

Personal or Home Health Care

Home health care helps older adults live independently for as long as possible, even with an illness or injury. It covers a wide range of services and can often delay the need for ...

Memory care

Memory Care is a specialized home focused on caring for seniors with cognitive memory decline. A memory care facility is specialized for those with an Alzheimer’s or Dementia diagn...

Nursing Homes and Skilled Nursing Facilities on AgeChoice

When hospitals admissions are not required yet assisted living homes do not quite provide the level of medical services needed around the clock, nursing homes are ideal options res...

Other types of care

Outside of the main types of care highlighted on AgeChoice, seniors might benefit from other care services such as Adult Day Care or respite care. Hospice care which provides comf...